Thirumoolar and Shaivism
The philosophy of yoga is based on knowledge passed down for thousands of years through sacred texts such as the Mahabarata (part of which is the Gita), the Sutras, Vedas, and, in our lineage, the Tirumantiram.
In this unit, we are going to delve into Shaivism (also spelled Saivism) because the Tirmantiram is definitely based on Shaivism. I want us to explore Shiva and other deities through the lens of Shaivism to help us gain a better understanding of the Tirumantiram, and, therefore, a better understanding of our lineage.
When we follow the 8 Limbs, we are taking the sage advice of Patanjali, who also was most likely a Shaivite. See…/patanjali-the-luminous-sage
Of course, most yogis follow the 8 Limbs and they are not Shaivites. It’s the same thing with Thirumoolar; you don’t have to be a Shaivite to practice within our lineage.
Learn more about our Thirumoolar’s Yoga Teacher Training Courses.