Here’s a nice way to acknowledge our roots, lineage, and India. When we open a class, we might share our gratitude for this great practice: Here’s one way to open: Let’s begin our practice [...]
Tantra 4, Verse 1044 of the Tirumantiram talks about the fourfold sadhanas: Chariya, Kriya, Yoga, and Jnana. These 4 are defined below. Sadhanas refer to daily spiritual practices, which are an [...]
Tirumantiram Tantra 3, Verses 549 – 552: 8 Limbs of Yoga Here, Thirumoolar is referring to the 8 Limbed Path. Yet, our lineage goes even further than the instructions left to us by the sage [...]
The philosophy of yoga is based on knowledge passed down for thousands of years through sacred texts such as the Mahabarata (part of which is the Gita), the Sutras, Vedas, and, in our lineage, [...]
The wisdom shared by Thirumoolar in the Tirumandiram, Tantra 3 correlates to the 8 Limbs. Verses 553 and 554 are below. It is interesting that some yogic scholars have classified 553 and 554 as [...]
Ashtanga Yoga: Tantra 3 of Tirumantiram: Thirumoolar’s Path Tantra (Chapter) 3 in the Tirumantiram covers verses 548 through 883. You’ll notice parallels between Patanjali’s [...]
What is Uddiyana Bandha and Why Practice It? When we learn asanas in our training courses, we often learn multiple ways to practice any given posture as it depends on the intention of the pose, [...]
In Thirumoolar’s Ashtanga Therapeutic Yoga, we study the Tirumantiram (Thirumantiram), which instructs yogis on the power of love and devotion, the efficacy of mantras, the connection between the [...]
There are over 3,000 verses in the Tirumantiram and several of those refer to the 8 Limbs of Yoga. Verse 506 and 549 mentions the Yamas (Iyama) and Niyamas. Verses 337-548 are part of [...]
Thirumoolar’s Life Story We previously shared a story of Thirumoolar inhabiting the body of cowherd Mulan in a post at This story is the most [...]