Sixth Ajna Chakra

 In 6th Chakra, Ajna Chakra, Asanas, Chakras, Pranayama, Sixth Chakra

Ajna Chakra: Poses, Pranayama, Kriya, Bandhas, Affirmations

The sixth ajna chakra is the Ajna Chakra commonly known as the third eye chakra. It is situated at the midpoint of the forehead region exactly in between the eyes. Ajna chakra controls the nose, ears, eyes, face, the sinuses, the central nervous system and the brain as well as the pituitary and the pineal gland. The third eye chakra deals with the awareness of higher self and intuition. When the sixth chakra is balanced, a sense of knowing and wisdom materializes. It represents our right to see – both physically and intuitively.

Energy Flow in the Sixth Chakra

Imbalance in the third chakra in the form of excessive energy causes nightmares, delusions and hallucinations with obsessions and may even develop headaches with difficult concentration. On the other hand if the chakra is blocked then it causes poor vision and memory. You’ll be insensitive and is mostly in denial mode while lacking imagination and visualization.

On the physical plane the blocked chakra can cause headaches, diseases of the eyes and ears, nasal and sinus problems. You may also develop problems in the nervous system like strokes and seizures and problem in the spine. Because it is related to the pituitary gland, the sixth chakra may cause hormonal imbalances if not kept opened and balanced.

Bone disorders, such as osteoporosis or osteopenia, may develop if this chakra is not healthy. In addition to physical eyesight problems, an out of balance or closed third eye may result in an inability to see the big picture, jumping to conclusions, confusion, indecision and being unable to listen to our gut or do what we intuitively know is right, always second-guessing ourselves and unable to trust ourselves. It is symbolized by a 96 petal lotus. It helps control vayna vayu (air flow present throughout body, originates from heart) and the channels represented are mana vaha srotasmi (prana flows thru mind channel), majja vahu (nervous fluid), prana vaha srotasmi (breath channel) and rakta vaha (blood). The main marmas for this chakra are sthanapani (between eyebrows) and krikataka (back of upper neck).

Ajna chakra helps you in rising above the self or ego and transcending to the higher level towards becoming one with the Supreme. If you have a balanced chakra, you’ll have good imaginative, intuitive and insightful powers with good memory and visualization. You will be able to remember your dreams and can even become clairvoyant.

Color of Sixth Chakra

The main color of Ajna chakra is indigo and is visually represented by a white circle with a triangle inside it and is surrounded by two large incandescent lotus petals. Both the petals have been named as Ham and Ksham.

Yoga and Ajna Chakra Balance

You can see from the above why it is very important that the Ajna chakra is always balanced and the yoga asanas that help you seek the balance of this chakra are:

• Balasana or the child pose, which is a beautiful, restorative, resting pose. In this pose the ankles, thighs and the hips are stretched gently to relieve the fatigue. Then you bend forward in the child-like pose to stimulate the Ajna Chakra.

• Garudasana or the eagle pose is a difficult pose and requires concentration and balance as you have to stand on one leg at a time. Bring your full awareness to this pose and really engage your third eye. Intuitively feel where you need to make slight shifts of your weight within the foot to keep your balance.

• Trataka or steady gazing is a form of meditation. In this form you concentrate on one object and gaze at it, focusing only on the object. This pose is also very good for strengthening the eyes and developing concentration along with stimulating the third eye. The next step in this form is to stare at candle flame till the eyes can sustain it. They do not need to start watering. During this process, the mind may sometimes start to waver around and the thoughts wander. Don’t stress about this. Just simply acknowledge this and then gently bring back your concentration on the chosen object. After much practice, you will find that some days you can easily focus without the thoughts wandering.

• Other asanas that benefit the third eye chakra include any pose where the point between the eyebrows rests on the floor or body, such as wide-leg Balasana, Upavista Konasana (wide leg forward fold), Yoga Mudra or Maha Mudra, as well as Halasana (plow), and poses that create more focus and balance, such as Vrikshasana (tree pose), Virabhadrasana 3 (warrior 3), and Natarajasana (king dancer pose).

Pranayama, Kriyas and Bandhas for Ajna Chakra

Pranayama that is beneficial for the ajna chakra include bhastrika, nadi sodhana and simhasana (lion’s breath).

Kapalabhati is a helpful kriya and bandhas that aid the 6th chakra include jalandhara bandha and mala bandha.

Sixth Chakra Affirmations

• I am guided by my higher self
• I am full of awareness
• I listen to my inner voice
• I intuitively understand all of my bodies – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
• I am connected with my highest truth
• I am guided and protected by the Universe
• Angels surround me, and I am aware of them at all times
• I honor my body by connecting to my awareness

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